
Welcome To Archish IVF

Our aim with “Archish” is to provide real and quality information about what happens behind the closed doors of an IVF laboratory. We help you understand “embryos” and the secret behind the working of a good IVF laboratory.

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Ovulation Dysfunction: When You Can’t Ovulate

Ovulation is a process in which the ovary releases a mature egg for fertilization by a sperm. Ovulation is a crucial part of the reproduction process, without which the female cannot become pregnant. Sometimes, the ovulation may be irregular, happening at infrequent intervals, or may not happen at all. Such issues are collectively known as…

Things To Avoid During Your IVF Treatment

Diet and nutrition play a crucial role in conditioning and preparing your body for an IVF cycle as well as for pregnancy. Your IVF specialist will recommend a list of must-haves and must-avoids in your diet to work towards a positive outcome. Now, these foods cannot directly assure a successful cycle; they can only help…

Errors in an IVF Laboratory and How To Manage Them

ART errors are fortunately a rare occurrence. but humans are fallible and mistakes are inevitable. We, as infertility specialists and IVF lab setup consultancy must be vigilant in reviewing existing risk management systems and consider other options to minimize/eliminate these events.  ART programs should work to emphasize honesty and transparency to improve quality of care. “To err is…

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